- 400 years of porcelain. New beginning −
n 1616, Japan’s first porcelain was fired in Arita, and 2016 is the 400th birthday of this important event. As a major porcelain production area, from the very beginning, Arita experienced an ever increasing demand from all over Japan for its new and beautiful porcelain ware. Later, right through to the 18th century, massive quantities of Arita porcelain were exported by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) to foreign countries, where it was enthusiastically received by royalty and came to adorn many a European palace. On display at the Paris World Exposition 1900, Arita porcelain was awarded the Medaille d’Or (gold medal); Arita porcelain has won many accolades over its long history.
Our predecessor’s exceptional skills and passion, coupled with a rich cultural climate have helped inspire the development of this superb porcelain. In recent years, however, with diversified lifestyles and quickly changing times, the industry has faced a variety of challenges and today stands at a major crossroads.

ver the next century, we will proudly continue the previous traditions, but not rest on our laurels, rather we will promote a style of monozukuri * that meets the demands of today, and moreover, we must spread the beauty of Arita porcelain all over the world. We view our first 400 years as our foundation years and EPISODE 1, a chapter now coming to a close; we invite the reader to turn the page and enjoy a new story EPISODE 2. We feel we have just been passed the baton by our predecessors, and now in this next leg of the race we must, in response to our modern challenges, establish a new future to rejuvenate Arita porcelain.
To create a new appreciation and value for Arita porcelain, ARITA EPISODE 2 will focus on a variety of projects under three key concepts: “innovation,” “rebranding,” and “nurturing creators.”
We have branded the next-generation Arita porcelain products as “ARITA”; this demonstrates our determination to spread the presence of Arita porcelain all over the world, and leave a great artistic legacy to posterity. Please keep your eyes open for the exciting adventures in ARITA EPISODE 2, the story of the new Arita porcelain, overturning conventions and challenging perceptions.
- *Art of manufacturing